Youth Color Climbing Festival – Ims t/Tirol 2019
for young climber over the world !
Date 01st – 02nd June 2019
Place Kletterzentrum Imst
Organisation AV Imst Oberland
Leader of the competition Andy Knabl
Who can participate? category “children” (2008/2009) and category “pupil 1“ (2006/2007) only parents/coach/federation are allowed to registrate (After 60 competitor registration will be closed for this category). Each competitor need his own certified climbing equipment!
BUT NOT MORE THEN 60 competitor per category!
At registration they must show their passport!
Friday, 31th May 2019
5 p.m to 8 p.m: Registration in the Sportcafe Susi/Kletterzentrum Imst
Saturday, 01st June 2019
08.00 a.m.: Climbing gym will be open
09.00 a.m.: competition start – all details depends of the number of
registrated athlets – each competitor has to climb a lot of routes
01.00 – 02.00 p.m. : break on the wall – no climbing
07.00 p.m.: Climbing gym and the outdoor wall will be closed
07.30 p.m.: result list in the sportcafe susi
Sunday, 02nd June 2019
08.00 a.m.: Climbing gym will be open
08.45 a.m.: Forerunning of the routes (outdoor/indoor)
09.00 a.m – 2.00 p.m.: Start of the second part of the competition
Final of the twenty best climber on 2 routes in each category.
03.00 p.m.: Trophies or super final (on sight) – if necessary
No announcement possible after 18th May ! –> Kalender – Ergebnisse
Date 01st – 02nd June 2019
Place Kletterzentrum Imst
Organisation AV Imst Oberland
Leader of the competition Andy Knabl
Who can participate? category “children” (2008/2009) and category “pupil 1“ (2006/2007)
only parents/coach/federation are allowed to registrate (After 60 competitor registration will be closed for this category). Each competitor need his own certified climbing equipment!
BUT NOT MORE THEN 60 competitor per category!
At registration they must show their passport!
17. YCCF
Youth Color Climbing Festival – Ims t/Tirol 2019
for young climber over the world !
On Saturday all climbers must be belayed by their own belayer (trainer, parents, friends,…).
Start fees 20€
Entry fee must be paid by May 17, otherwise the place will be free again.
Therefore the entry fee must be paid until May 17th. Please pay the entry fee to this account.
IBAN AT30 3600 0000 0666 4783
Raiffeisen Landesbank, Stadtplatz 9-10, 6460 Imst / Tirol
Sportkletterreferat Imst Oberland , please write the name of the kid´s and the categorie on the transfer
Prices Material prizes
End of announcement 17th May 2019, after that we open the registration again,
when peoble have not pay the start fee.
Registration –> Kalender-Ergebnisse
Information e- mail:
Children Top Rope
Pubil 1 Lead
Saturday | 6 routes / Jam Format. No starting order. There are colour routes. Only the holds with the correct colour can be used by the climber (example: red route – only red holds and footholds). The structures on the wall can be used,when they have the color or a hold with the correct color is on it. Every route has to be climbed in only one attempt! It´s possible to watch other climbers (flash). No forerunner on saturday, on sunday routes will only be climbed by the forerunner once! The number of the holds will be added. There are no „+“ or „-„ ! Only the last held grip will be counted. The best twenty climber in each category from saturday are in final on sunday. If one climber have problems with colours, please send us an email with the confirmation of a medical doctor!
On Saturday all climbers must be belayed by their own belayer (trainer, parents, friends,…).
The ropes are ready in front of the routes.
Judges take care of the result!
Sunday | Final of the twenty best climber on 2 routes in each category.
There will be a starting order for each route on sunday! The final on sunday will be belayed by our belayer!
Startinglist / result–> Kalender – Ergebnisse
Kletterzentrum Imst
Knabl Andreas
Am Raun 25, 6460 Imst
Tel.: 05412/626522
Tel.: 0650/6451400
ÖAV Sportkletterreferat Imst
Knabl Helmut & Andy
Andy: 0650/6451400
Helli: 0650/8886451
Fax: 05412/64514